
February 15, 2012

17 Weeks...SUPER LATE! Sorry!

 Is the size of an
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? I could if I wanted to but I figure I don't want to start before I actually have to because then I'm afraid I am going to be so sick of them by the end! So the normal clothes keep winning out.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? Good
Best moment this week? Purchasing some items for the nursery!
Miss Anything? Being able to have the option to sleep on my back if I wanted too.
Movement? I think so but hard to say for sure!
Food cravings? Peanuts and Fruit Snacks
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender? BOY!!!
Labor Signs? Nope
Symptoms? I'm not sure if this is a symptom but when ever I am laying on my side on the couch, my hips won't allow me to do it for very long.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy and Moody!
Looking forward to? Oh next ultrasound even though we know we have a little boy on its way I can't wait to see him swimming around in there again!