
April 16, 2012

Endless To Do List

My nesting has been in full swing pretty much since I found out I was pregnant so I have had plenty of time to come up with a super long list of things to do to get us prepared.  Most of the items that I have come up with have been completed but some are still being stubborn and I haven't had the time or supplies to get them completed!

Here are just a couple of the items that I still need to complete-
  • Hang mobile above crib (I made Sawyer's mobile and I'm super excited to hang it up but until the crib is in place I won't know exactly were the hang the mobile- so I wait!)
  • Finish hanging art work/frames on walls (Again I need to crib in place to know for sure where the frames will work best)
  • Place crib bedding we have already received in crib (It will be so nice to get the items we have already received out of their packaging and off the floor!)
These are just some of the items I have on my to do list- other things that obviously still need to be completed include, packing for hospital, purchasing any items that we don't receive at our baby shower here in Portland, and installing the car seat! 

I'm tired just thinking about it sometimes!  No time like the present to try and cross as many things off my list as possible though because I'm sure I won't be getting any more energy between now and when he's here!  Wish me luck!