
April 20, 2012

Today I Am Grateful For...

- The fact that today is Friday and we have an ultrasound scheduled for this afternoon.  I can't wait to see my little peanut!  I hope they even allow us to view him in 3-D!
- That tonight is DATE NIGHT (we plan on going to a movie theatre that serves drinks, dinner, and desserts directly to you in your seats in the theatre!)
- The fact that said Date Night is being brought to us by Groupon...I love a good deal
- The fact that we picked up the crib and put it together last night.  It makes my heart melt knowing that our little man will be sleeping there sooner then later!
- That I plan on getting out and enjoying the nice weather that is expected around here this weekend.  75 degrees on Saturday and 77 on Sunday...I'll take it.  (You Colorado girls have no idea how lucky you are for all of the nice weather that you have had lately)
- That I am going to get the opportunity to cross a ton of things off of my to do list this weekend!