
May 14, 2012

A Letter to My Mom

I'm kinda stealing this from my brother but not for the same reasons he mentioned, aka "left my gluegun at home" but I did want to take a moment and put into words why she is the best mom in the world.

  1. You always know when and for how long I need to vent.  You understand just how important this is for me sometimes and you are the best at allowing me to do it.
  2. You have always encouraged me to strive for my personal best
  3. You are the best assistant a girl could ask for
  4. You and Dad have set a wonderful example of how Tice and I should treat one another
  5. You are a wonderful problem solver
  6. You put others before yourself ( I should take notes on this one to help me improve in this particular arena)
And last but not least you make me want to be a mom just like you once Sawyer arrives.  Although I knew you were the best mom before getting pregnant, since getting pregnant I realize just how amazing you are.  I can't really put this feeling into word but I do know that I hope to be a  mom just like you to our little bundle of joy. 

Happy Mother's Day mom!  I love you.