
June 3, 2012

33 Weeks

Is the size of a
Durian Fruit

How far along? 33 Weeks
 Total weight gain: At least 30...and this is what this answer will be until I weigh myself one last time prior to going to the hospital in labor.  It was becoming something I was focusing on to much.
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Nope- and hopefully I can say this to the very end!
Sleep? Great!
Best moment this week? My Portland Baby Shower!  It was so fun to celebrate with all of my girlfriends out here!
Miss Anything? Not really- If anything I am starting to think of the things I am going to miss after he arrives like DQ Blizzards and his little kicks and movements!
Movement? Yep and I even though they can sometimes be uncomfortable I am going to miss them terribly!
Food cravings? Thai food- which was amazing on Friday night during date night!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender? BOY!!!
Labor Signs? Not yet
Symptoms? My inner thighs are super sore like I worked them out a ton and the bottom of my belly is starting to feel a bit sore as well.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Picking of the last couple of items that we still need and then being able to say we are ready for you to arrive Baby!

My girlfriend Wendy at my shower- she is 28 weeks along