
June 17, 2012

35 Weeks

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How far along? 35 Weeks
 Total weight gain: At least 30...and this is what this answer will be until I weigh myself one last time prior to going to the hospital in labor.  It was becoming something I was focusing on to much.
Maternity clothes? Yep

Stretch marks? Nope- and hopefully I can say this to the very end!
Sleep? Pretty good, depends on the night now.  The night we got back from the hospital was crazy and I could only sleep for about 5 hours but the night after I slept like a baby!
Best moment this week? Hearing Sawyer's heartbeat at the hospital.  We got to hear it for almost 15 minutes and it was so peaceful and exciting at the same time.
Miss Anything? Being able to move around freely and comfortably
Movement? Yep and I even though they can sometimes be uncomfortable I am going to miss them terribly!
Food cravings? Watermelon until they told me on Tuesday that I can't have it anymore because it will dehydrate me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope Gender? BOY!!!
Labor Signs? Yes- been having them mild and not so mild since last Saturday.
Symptoms? None except for contractions now.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On but getting tight
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Our appointment on Monday.