
July 30, 2012

Dear Sawyer Dylan

Dear Sawyer Dylan,
You are four weeks old today...when people say times flies with little ones they aren't kidding. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. Where has the time gone? I can only assume time is going to continue to fly?!?!?!

Next week we get to head home to Colorado and we can't wait for you to see Grandma Linda, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Shriver for the first time! I know they are just going to love you so much!

This week you have continued to amazing me! I don't want to forget anything cute you do but here are a couple that stand out this week-

- When you get mad recently you have become stiff as a board! Not the easiest to hold someone when they are doing that!

- You continue to make squeaking noises while you are asleep...please don't stop doing this anytime soon- Mommy thinks it's adorable!
