
July 17, 2012

What We Used at the Hospital

As promised I said I would report back and tell you all that out of all of the items that I packed for the hospital which ones I actually used so here you go!

The Boppy/Nursing Pillow:  We totally used this although I didn't really fall in love with it until we got home.
Comfy Socks:  I didn't end up wearing these- the floors of our room were super clean and I wasn't forced to walk the halls of the hospital or anything so I remained barefoot for most of the time.
My "Mommy needs to look and feel as good as possible" items (aka makeup, toothbrush, and haircare products): Used all of these!
Pillows: We took 3 and both of us used them!
Sleeping Bag for Tice:  Used it
PJ's and a Robe:  I loved having the new PJ's I had purchased later in my pregnancy to put on after delivery.  They were super comfy but still easy to nurse in.  The robe however was not something that I used.  It wasn't necessary because the only place I walked was in the room so I didn't really need it to help cover up my backside!
Snacks:  I loved having the trail mix that I had packed in the bag and munched on that pretty regularly
My tube of Lanolin:  I used this from the first feeding and really feel like it helped me not get sore nipples.
An outfit for Baby while in hospital: We had many different wardrobe changes for Sawyer and he wore everything we brought for him plus the two outfits that the hospital provided for him.
A Going Home Outfit for Baby:  Yep- one of the many outfit changes!
A Going Home Outfit for Mommy: I ended up in a black maxi dress and a jean jacket.  It was great for the 70 degree day that greeted us when we went home.
Baby Memory Book:  Yep and our amazing nurse did a great job of putting his hand prints in the album.
Camera, Cell Phones, i Pad, and Necessary Chargers: Yep
Underwire Free Nursing Bra: I used this with out a doubt
A Change of Clothes and Bathroom Essentials for Tice:  This will prevent him from having to leave to go home at any part of our stay.
Gum or Breath Mints:  Tice may  did need this...
Baby Hats: Yep- again with the outfit changes.
Sooties: I did end up using these but didn't really need them.

So as you can see I used everything I packed except for comfy socks, a blowdryer- I just let my hair air dry and the robe.  Other then that I used everything I brought!  Did you used everything you brought to the hospital?