
September 5, 2012

Dear Sawyer Dylan (2 Months)

Dear Sawyer Dylan,

You turned two months old on September 2nd and mommy can't believe you are already that old! This past month has brought you many firsts! Here are just a couple...

You went swimming for the first time with daddy and Grandpa Larry at Grandpa's house!

You took your first road trip from Vancouver all the way to Grand Junction! You did great! We made it there in 16 1/2 hours and back in about 16 hours, both times we made it all in one day!

You visited Telluride for the first time!  Mommy and Daddy can't wait to take you back there for years to come.

You were babysat for the first time by someone other then your Grandparents, Uncle Spencer and Auntie Leah babysat while mommy and daddy went to look at properties at the Peaks.

You have started taking down between 4 and 6 ounces of milk each night before bed which helps you sleep for about 6 hours before waking up for the first time that night.  This six hour stretch is then followed by another 3 to 5 hour stretch.  Mommy and Daddy both thank you for helping us get lots of sleep!

Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see what else you have in store for us in the coming months!

Mommy and Daddy