
October 4, 2012

Dear Sawyer Dylan (3 Months)

Dear Sawyer Dylan,
Just days ago you turned 3 month old.  As I have said in the past and will continue to say throughout the foreseeable future, time is flying and you are growing up so fast- I wish my pregnancy with you would have flown by as quickly as these last couple months have!  You contine to bring joy to our lives on a daily basis and we can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the future.  Here is a list of the things you did for the first time this past month-

- You slept through the night four different times!  When you sleep through the night it surprises us because you didn't have the exact same type of day leading up to each one.
- You had your two month check up two weeks ago and got your first big round of immunizations.  You did great and mommy worried for nothing!
- You have started sitting up in the Bumbo for a couple minutes at a time each day and are doing great! I think you are doing such a good job because of your strong neck.  People always comment on how strong your neck is- it has been that day since you were born!
- You attended your first wedding and did great- plus everyone loved your outfit!
- You can now drink up to 8 ounces before bed each night- depending on how hungry you are and how much we give you.
- You still love taking your naps in your Snuggabunny Swing- which works out for mommy and daddy because it allows us to get some things done around the house or some work done while you are sleeping.

You light up our world and we just love you to pieces Mister!

Love you,