
February 4, 2013

5 States in 4 Days

A couple of weekends ago Tice had a number of clients to visit so we decided to pile into the car and make a family road trip of it.

We loaded up on Friday morning and hit the road around 7:30 AM and arrived in Mesquite, NV around 1 PM.  We hung out waiting for Tice's meeting to beginning.  After the meeting we continued on to Las Vegas where we stayed the night at the MGM Grand.  I can't even put into words how different it was to be in Vegas with a baby but being the savvy mom that I am we scheduled our dinner reservations for 8:30 PM that night which gave us plenty of time to do our normal bedtime routine, put him into his stroller, and have him sleep through our dinner!  It was great!  

The next morning we woke up around 6:30 AM and hit the road for Phoenix, AZ.  We arrived there around 2:30 PM.  We stayed with Tice's clients and while he was meeting with them Sawyer and I went and did a little shopping in the amazing 80 degree weather!  That night we simply hung out and then after a brunch the next morning we hit the road and continued up to Farmington, NM.  We stayed with some friends that night!  It was a lot of fun to see their house because I hadn't gotten to see it yet!  

Finally on day four we woke up and hit the road around 8:30 AM and headed for home- only we took a back roads way so we could avoid Red Mountain Pass and it took us directly through Telluride so we stopped and had lunch with one of Tice's cousins and his little girl!

Overall Sawyer did really well on the trip and is going to grow up to be a road warrior just like his mom and dad!

Here are a couple of shots from the trip-

Dinner at Wolfgang Puck's in the MGM Grand
My raspberry martini at dinner
 The most amazing Potato Chips with Truffle Oil and Blue Cheese Sauce!
 Vegas sunshine in the early morning
 A shot of the hotel

 Playing in our bed at the MGM Grand
A shot as we were leaving
A beautiful sunrise in Phoenix
Beautiful Telluride