
February 26, 2013


At Tice's Christmas party last year I was the winner of the door prize, which ended up being a two night stay in Breckenridge at a resort called Beaver Run.  It is located at the base of one of the lifts and would have been quite spendy if we would have stayed there without winning. 

We decided to go up this past weekend.  After a slow start on Friday morning we left town around 12 PM and got up to the resort around 3 PM.  We checked in and went directly up to the room to unpack.  We then decided to go to straight downstairs for a happy hour near our hotel's lobby.  The drinks and wings were great but with a fussy baby beginning to have a melt down we decided to just go back to the room for the night, put him to bed, order room service, and see if we could sneak in some hot tub action.  Well after putting Sawyer to bed we received our dinner which was just ok and a bit cold which sucked!  Then after dinner my cold ramped up to high gear so I began to feel miserable.   That night Sawyer woke up three different times and I woke up some additional times to blow my nose because I felt like I was drowning on my own snot!  Needless to say when we woke up the next morning at 5:45 AM Tice looked over at me and asked if we just wanted to go home and ditch the last night.  I suggested that we ask the manager if we could get a rain check on our second night so he called to ask and they said YES!  I was so excited that we could go home and start to feel better and not waste the last night of our trip.  We plan on going back up there in a couple of weeks so that we can leave the baby for a night and ski and snowboard up there!

I'm all ready looking forward to it!