
February 10, 2013

Dear Sawyer Dylan (7 Months)

Dear Sawyer Dylan,

I have never had a January fly by quite so fast as this last one did and I have a feeling it was because of you!  We had a lot of adventures and first this month- here is a list of just a few of them!

- You got very good at moving yourself backwards.  You aren't quite crawling forward but I would imagine that will be any day now.
- You became very good at sitting up on your own- although sometimes you will lose your balance and fall over which always results in some loud crying or whining (depends on how hard you fall)
- You don't have any teeth that we can see yet but I'm sure they are on their way!
- You had you 6 month check up and we were told that you can start eating graham crackers and drink water out of a sippy cup!  You don't quite know what to think about graham crackers but over all I think you think they are a good messy time!
- You went on your second long road trip- hitting 5 states in 4 days and you did great!  Overall I hope that you don't mind road trips just like your mommy and daddy.
- Daddy has been working up a storm so mommy and you have tried to get out of the house and stay busy at they house when we are home.  We keep ourselves busy with visits to GG and Grandma Tammy during the day while we are out running errands and we keep ourselves busy with books and toys and your present from Santa when we are home!
- Your hair has finally grown in thick again and it is so much fun for mommy to spike it up after your bath.  Everyone always comments on how much blond hair you have and how beautiful your eyes are!

I can't believe how big you have gotten and can't wait to see you grown even more and hit important milestones like teeth, crawling, and standing on your own!  

Love you,