
May 31, 2013

Babies at the Beach

We will be going to the Dominican Republic in a few short weeks with a large group of friends including another baby and in anticipation of our trip I have started to compile a list of all of the items that we will need to take with us to make sure our trip is enjoyable yet safe with babies in tow.

So far I plan on bringing the my mind these are things I won't even consider leaving the house without.
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The tent will be for the beach to shield him from the sun, the baby float so that he can be near the swim up bar at the infinity pool with us!, baby powder to take the sand off after a long day playing, our stroller because I don't go anywhere without that thing (best investment ever!), the Benadryl for the flights (thankfully its only one flight straight there but still and we will be doing a trial run before the actual trip), sunscreen (if you have any particular brands you would recommend let me know) and Baggus because they fold up and can go anywhere giving you tons of storage if necessary.

Some of my other must haves include our Ergo for the occasional hike we might go on, swim diapers (I'm thinking this one), baby hats, a shower curtain to place over a hole we dig in the sand and then fill with water so that the babies have somewhere to cool off (saw that idea on Pinterest) & sleeved swimwear. 

One of the things I have been going back and forth on bringing is our pack and play.  I don't love the idea of paying the baggage fees on it to get it there but I haven't heard the best about hotel cribs either.  What are your thoughts?

Is there anything that you think I am missing and just have to have to make our trip more enjoyable?