
June 18, 2013

Father's Day 2013

To the best father Sawyer could ever ask for here is to you!

For Father's Day we celebrated with all of the dad's in our lives.  Tice had been in Oregon all week so he didn't get home until around 1 PM so that morning Sawyer and I went over to my parents house to celebrate with them and my grandma with a wonderful brunch.   Once Tice got into town he came over and hung out for a while before we headed home.  

After an afternoon spent relaxing at home we went over to Elizabeth and Tim's house to celebrate with Larry.  We had wonderful potluck, filled with items like rack of lamb, scalloped potatoes, grilled vegetables, and various sauces for the lamb.

After dinner we went inside and enjoyed some games of shuffleboard, which Sawyer couldn't stop laughing at.  Every time one of the pucks would slide across the table he would let out the most adorable giggle!

Overall the day was relaxing success!

Happy Father's Day to the most hard working, caring people I know!

Love you Tice