
August 2, 2013

TGIF...Palisade Peach Daiquiris

In honor of Friday...the greatest day of any week I have decided to start a new feature on Friday that I am calling TGIF.  TGIF will feature anything that is making that particular Friday fabulous and this week peaches are in season and that is fabulous!  

Any type of frozen drink screams summer to me so when I was over at my parents house the other night and my mom recommend we make a peach daiquiri I jumped at the opportunity.  We have a thing for peaches in the Tice family mainly because my husband grew up on a peach orchard but also because they are just so darn good!

My recipe changes batch to batch but the other night I decided to change the usual rum out for my favorite, vodka and it was a welcome and delicious change!

Palisade Peach Daiquiris

1 1/2 cups sliced fresh peaches (we use Palisade Peaches because of where we live and because they are just so darn good but you can use whatever fresh peaches you can get your hands on)
1/2 cup of peach flavored vodka
2 cups of ice
Lime wedges and sugar for rimming the glasses
1 cup club soda

Step 1:  Rim your glasses with a slice of lime and then dip into some sugar in order to rim your cocktail glass.  Set aside.

Step 2: Combine the rest of the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour into sugar rimmed glasses and enjoy!