
July 15, 2013

The DR

Our Colorado group of friends had been talking about doing a group trip for years and in December we finally decided to get the ball rolling on making it a reality!  After a bunch of back and forth and planning we decided to go to Dreams La Romana in the Dominican Republic and booked the trip through Apple Vacations.

The resort was amazing!  Not only did they treat us like kings and queens but the food and drinks were actually something to write home about!  I have been to quite a few all inclusives in my day but between the food, drinks, friendliness of the staff at every turn, and the awesome location we had a wonderful trip.  

I'm not sure if I just have to make a return trip there one day because I would rather see as many places in the world as possible but it was a wonderful trip that we really enjoyed.  I couldn't think of a better place for Tice and I to have celebrated our 2nd anniversary or for Sawyer to turn one!