
August 21, 2013

Recent Happenings...Master Bedroom Design Update

We've lived in our house for a while now but the only room (other then Sawyer's room) that I feel is finally finished is our master bedroom.  The crown jewel of the room, which I only just completed a couple of weeks ago, are the the floor to ceiling drape panels that I DIYed.  

I LOVE DIY, mostly because it can often times be the most cost effective way to create something but also I love looking at something and knowing that I am the only person that has it.  Plus it doesn't have to be extremely difficult.   

Our master bedroom has tall ceilings (12 feet high) so finding finished curtains panels was impossible.  No matter what I was going to have to have something custom made but there is no way I was going to want to shell out that kind of money for something I knew I could do so I decided to take on the job.

My inspiration for the project came from the picture above which I found on Pinterest, with my only modification being that I wanted my panels to be less busy and more streamlined.  To create the panels I decided that flats sheets would provide the most amount of fabric for the least about of money so I purchased 4 twin flat sheets in plain white and 2 twin flat sheets in black from Walmart for about $4 a piece.  I measured from the bottom of our window in the room to the floor (24 inches) and then cut the black sheets into 24 inch sections.  I then took those sections and sewed them to the bottom of each of the white sheets.  Finally I cut 1 inch long slits along both sides of the top of each sheet/panel(the part that you would normally have at the top of a made bed).  I then slid each panel onto a rod of electrical conduit (my cheap curtain rod), secured to the wall with coat hooks that had been screwed in and in a flash I was done.  

Total time spent was about 2 hours from measuring to final product hung if you don't count the ironing of the panels which took quite a bit more time.  

All in all the project cost me less then $35!