
September 2, 2013

Recent Happenings...Summer Afternoons & Water Tables

First off- Happy Labor Day!  Hope you are enjoying your long weekend!  

I'm not the type of mom that has all of the latest and greatest toys for Sawyer, I don't want the clutter in my house plus I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something that he won't play with for longer then 1 minute.  I caved today though while I was at Target in the clearance section and found this awesome water table that I have heard a lot of good things about on sale for half off.  You know that baby went in the cart!!!  After Sawyer's afternoon nap I surprised him outside with it and he loved it! Even if it was only for 10 minutes before he became bored I'll take it and hope that we will begin to spend more and more time playing with it.  I also plan on bringing it in the house this winter and having him use it as a block building area.  

Have your kids liked any water tables you have got them or did they only use them for a bit before it was cast off to the side?

Thanks for stopping by!