
October 1, 2013

How I Spent My...Weekend

This weekend was a blur.  On Friday night we stayed in and I made this soup which we enjoyed with a nice bottle of wine.  We both enjoyed it but I'm not sure I will be making this one frequently because there are so many other great soups out there and this one didn't blow us away!

On Saturday I went for a run in our neighborhood and then got ready to watch the CU vs. OSU game.  My buffs lost but we still had a good time watching it!  After the game we changed and went over to our friends for dinner.  After dinner Sawyer and I headed home but Tice went out to the bar to watch his beloved Ducks play against Cal.  The Ducks crushed them so at least one of our schools won!

Sunday my mom and I went and lot at a bunch of homes featured at the Parade of Homes here in Grand Junction.  It was fun and surprisingly helped me appreciate our home that much more!  After lunch I headed home and helped Tice get the house ready for a bunch of people to come over and watch the Broncos game.  It was a full house with about 20 people but it was fun!  Finally at 6 we went over to my mother in law's for dinner with some of my in laws.  The company was great and the food was terrific!  

A fun packed weekend for sure but I wouldn't have it any other way!  I'll show you tomorrow some of the outfits I have been wearing as well as some of the things that need to get in my closet asap!

Thanks for stopping by!