
October 22, 2013

Weekly Menu Plan

Since I started staying home I started menu/meal planning at the beginning of each week so that I knew exactly what I needed to get from the grocery store for that week and didn't end up buying a ton of stuff but end up with nothing that could be combined to make an actual dinner.   The easiest way that I have discovered to meal plan was by making a separate board on Pinterest which I pin all of the recipes for that week to.  This helps save time in the long run when I am making the recipe because then I am not having to go through all of my recipes to find the ONE recipe I am actually trying to make.  Here is a link to my "What's For Dinner This Week" board on Pinterest.

I also save time by reading each of the recipes I pinned to that board on Sunday night or Monday morning and writing down all of the items I don't already have in my pantry.   Poof- there is my grocery list.  I of course add in extra items like our weekly gallon of week or trash bags if we are out but I try to only buy things that are on my list.  This helps a lot with my budget as well as my waistline because I am not grabbing things that look good but might be bad for me.

Here is this week's menu plan...even though I am a couple of days late posting this to the blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by!