
November 27, 2013

Etsy Store Black Friday Promo Code & Cyber Monday Sale

The biggest shopping weekend of the year calls for a promo code in my etsy shop, Tice's Tidbits! Therefore EVERYTHING in the store will be 20% off when you use the promo code, HOHOHOHO, through next Wednesday!  Some of the awesome items that make perfect gifts for the littles in your life include...

Reversible Headbands
Bow Ties for your little men
Super soft and stretchy jersey hats in tons of different colors 
Bow Headbands for little ladies

Here is the link to my shop!  

In addition to the great deals that can be found at my Etsy shop I am also being featured on Cyber Monday on Storefront Deals where you can find my BPA Free Clear Pacifier with Felt Mustache on Monday ONLY for 50% off!  And if you don't grab one Monday it will be 30% off on Tuesday and Wednesday!

You can find all of their adorable items on their website or Facebook page!  

Happy Shopping!