
November 4, 2013

How I Spent My...Birthday Weekend

A makeshift poker table on plywood with leftover vinyl for a Friday Night Poker Game at our house...classy!

Our view from Breckenridge Brewery on Saturday during happy hour

The Brewery

Busy making beer

LOVES french surprise their with his mother

Awesome Margs at Mi Casa in Breck

Donut Hole Heaven at Daylight Donuts in Breck

Cheers mommy!

Family Hike on Sunday in GJ

My birthday weekend was awesome!  We had friends over on Friday night for poker (which was also my first time ever playing...maybe my last- I hate losing money like that).  Saturday we headed up to Breck for a night at Beaver Run resort!  Sawyer loved the pool which was heated to an amazing 90 degrees!  Finally on Sunday we headed home, went for a short hike and the met our friends the Brays for dinner!  I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!

Thanks so much for reading!