
November 18, 2013

How I Spent...My Weekend

Friday night we went out to dinner with my parents...I keep trying to delude myself into thinking that Sawyer will be a good boy out at dinner but most of the time he just ends up having some sort of melt down no matter what he has to eat or how fast it gets there.  Tice typically ends up taking him outside so he can get down and run off some of his endless energy.  My hope is/was that the more we take him out to dinner the more likely he is to learn how is should behave when out....that has yet to only seems to be getting worse.  I think I keep holding out hope that things will change!  We don't typically have that many plans that involve us going out together and I need any chance I can get to go out in public, other then the grocery store and just be around other adults!  
Any tips for taking an extremely active 16 month out to dinner, other then my husband's "we just won't go out anymore!"

Saturday my girlfriend Vicky and I took our boys to see Santa at the mall because I had a couple for a buy one get one free package if we went before Thanksgiving so we took advantage of that.  Sawyer had some major "stranger danger"  if you couldn't pick up on that in this picture!

On of the decorations at the mall

The boys with Santa

After visiting Santa we went to lunch and then hung out around the house, ate some awesome green chili that Tice made as well as some homemade tortilla chips that I made and enjoyed USC's take down of Stanford (Oregon is back on top of the PAC 12 baby!) and Colorado's win over Cal!  
LOVE this beer, sad this one was the last one this year!

Sunday I made some Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Waffles which Sawyer and I both enjoyed!

Then we had my mom take our family pictures for our Christmas card this year.   This is what most of our photo session entailed...
AKA...a total meltdown, a santa hat tossed to the side and both Tice and I waiting for him to calm down long enough for us to take another picture!

However I was able to get a couple of decent ones so once I create our card I will share it/them with you!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Thanks so much for stopping by!