
January 23, 2014

10 Weeks with Baby #2

Now that I can finally share with you all the exciting news of baby Tice #2 here is the first weekly check in!

How far along: 10 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Don't know yet and it's killing me!  I can't wait to find out!
Maternity clothes: I have slipped in a couple of pairs of pants here and there out of pure comfort but I can still find in my regular pants if I want to.
Stretch marks: No but I still have a couple of very faint lines below my belly button from last time...I might have to moisturize that area more this time around if I don't want to make my problem worse.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Pretty good but I am waking up 2 to 4 times a night to go to the bathroom but I normally don't have a difficult time falling right back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Celebrating the New Year even if my ass was sleep before midnight!
Worst moment this week: Nothing comes to mind!
Miss anything: This week after weeks of being sick with morning sickness and thinking alcohol sounded terrible I all of a sudden thought that a lemondrop sounded super yummy!  To bad I will have to wait months before I can have another on of those!
Movement: I am pretty sure I felt Peanut twice this week but I am looking forward to Peanut moving more!
Cravings: Nothing that I just have had to have but thankfully salads have sounded pretty good lately!  My one goal for this pregnancy is to have a more active and healthy pregnancy.  I gained around 50 pounds last time.  I scared myself early on out of being active because I was afraid of getting my heart rate up to high and then slowly got out of doing anything on a regular basis.  This time I really want it to be different!
Queasy or sick: Finally feeling better most of the time!  Since I didn't have any morning sickness last time it was super rough!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and to be honest I am praying its a little girl!!!  Once we find out for sure though the DIYing can begin as well as picking out nursery furniture!

Thanks so much for stopping by!