
January 23, 2014

12 & 13 Weeks with Baby #2

Moving along to Week 13-  what happened to Week 12 you ask...I am bad and doing exactly what I said I wouldn't do this go around and not only not take a belly picture but I also didn't answer my usual questions which means I have to skip a week...hopefully that will be the only one that gets away from me!

Dress: Target (sold out, similar here) | Shoes: Steve Madden | Earrings: Juicy Couture

How far along: 13 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Still waiting to find out!  Everything tells me it's a girl but we will just have to wait and see.  My doctor said at our appointment on Tuesday that next time we are in that he will try and sneak us in to take a peek on their in-office ultrasound so he can look to try and find out what it is!  I'm holding him to it!
Maternity clothes:
Stretch marks: No new ones...just the same ones left over from last time
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Good...I have been putting a regular old pillow in between my legs and that has seemed to help a ton with back pain when I get up in the morning because I'm not twisting all over the place all night.
Best moment this week: Finding out we might get to find out what the baby is at our next appointment!
Worst moment this week: Nothing really! But maybe you could count me painting trim in our house!  Our house is 3000 sq ft so we have a lot of trim that I want to freshen up before the baby arrives!  It has been on my to do list since we moved in!
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: Yes occasionally waiting for a big ol kick soon though!
Cravings: This week is has been Ranch Pringles!!!!
Queasy or sick: Nope! 
Looking forward to: Finding out what the baby is so that I can get a jump on the nursery and start thinking about names!

Thanks so much for stopping by!