
January 6, 2014

How I Spent My...Weekend

This weekend started out super relaxing.  We grabbed BBQ take out for the second Friday in a row...this may have to become a tradition!  Then we headed to bed early- with a pint of Ben and Jerry's with me!
  On Saturday Sawyer and Daddy went grocery shopping while I went to the gym and then we headed to Lowes to finally get supplies for some projects that have been on my to do list since the day we moved in!  I am so excited to start getting some of them crossed off of my list.  Saturday night Tice had a bunch of buddies over to play poker and try out his new Christmas present from me, a poker table top that folds in half and on one side has a poker table surface and on the other has a blackjack table top.  I cooked dinner and tried out this recipe.  It was pretty good overall but Tice said it was missing something- that might have been the heat because I left out almost all of the spicy ingredients because he is always complaining I make things to spicy.  
Some of the guys hanging out before the game

Sunday I grabbed coffee and then took Sawyer to visit my parents and Grandma.  On Sunday night I made paninis for dinner and then headed to bed early again...we are so old.  I guess it was all of the festivities of the new year that tired us out!  

Happy Monday!  Hope you all have a great weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!