
January 27, 2014

How I Spent My...Weekend

This weekend was pretty low key.  On Friday night we hung around the house and went to bed pretty early.  On Saturday Sawyer and I went to the mall with my girlfriend and her son, Mason.  I was nice to get out of the house and hang out with her!  After the mall we came home, tried to get in a nap while Tice was still at work but that didn't happen.  He needed one so bad but fought the urge to sleep for over 2 hours!  Let's just say that wasn't any fun for either of us.  After our failed nap time we went over to my parent's for dinner.  My mom made chili which everyone enjoyed, including Sawyer which was nice considering he has become pretty picky when it comes to his foods lately.  

Sunday I started my day off with a trip to the gym followed by a family outing to Tice's gym (he goes to one closer to his office and I go to one closer to our house) where they had a family swim session. Sawyer loves the water so it was neat to dunk his head under the water and have him come back up smiling as well as him jumping into me or Tice over and over!  After swimming Sawyer and I could a nap while Tice stained the stairway we have up to our man cave.  The previous owners must have had carpet covering the steps but it was torn out for some reason prior to us moving in so staining them has been on my to do list since the day we moved in.  Another coat or two and they will be good to go!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Thanks so much for stopping by!