
March 17, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend Plus Weekly Menu Plan

We spent this weekend at home, relaxing and finally watching some movies that we had been wanting to watch forever.  Friday night we made chicken fajitas and a MESS of guacamole which is just the amount I like!  We both headed to the gym on Saturday and cleaned ours cars and then Tice made homemade raviolis for us.  We ended our night by watching Captain Philips, which if you haven't seen you need to!

Sunday Tice when golfing and we went to visit my grandma and then took a nap.  We closed out the weekend by watching American Hustle which was good but not as awesome as I thought it would be.

On another note I finally feel like cooking on a more regular basis, maybe that is due to have more energy and less food aversions but either way I finally have our weekly menu plan.

All of the full recipes to the dishes listed can be found on my What's For Dinner Board on Pinterest, found here.

Hope you all had an equally relaxing weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by!