
April 9, 2014

DIY...Custom Pillows

One of the more expensive decorative items you can purchase for a room are pillows and it bothers me to pay $30 or more for ONE pillow so I decided to hunt around on Pinterest for a tutorial for creating my own pillows.  I found out the simplest way to create your own pillow form from scratch was to simply take an old bed pillow you had lying around your house and cut it down to the size you wanted.
I wanted a square pillow for the nursery to go on the chair we will have in there so I measured the short sides of the pillow (18 inches) and then measured 18 inches the other direction and marked that on the pillow with a sharpie.  Once I had my square I took some scissors and cut straight across.  I then pinned the pillow and sewed a straight line across closing it back up.  The remaining pillow piece was a long small rectangle.  I sewed that one up to which was much more difficult then the larger form because the amount of padding.  It was a huge pain in the butt but I finally got it sewed shut and moved on to the covers.  

For the covers I used this tutorial and found it incredibly easy to follow and with in 20 minutes had two finished pillowcases.  I love how they turned out and I can't wait to see them in the nursery!

I used 1 yard of fabric for both covers plus had some scraps leftover which I can use for a couple of other small projects.

Here is a shot of my finished products!

For the other two pillows that I made for her room I decided to go with pre-made pillow forms.  I purchased them at Joann Fabrics when they were 40% off and then used an additional coupon for 25% off of that so not bad!  You can't really tell in the pictures above but the triangles come in a ton of different colors including a beautiful teal color which I decided I would use as my other main color in the room.   I purchased 1 yard of fabric for the two pillowcases and set to work.

I love how they turned out and can't wait to see them on the chair we have for the room as well as tucked in her crib until she moves in to it to use as decorative items.

Thanks so much for stopping by!