
April 1, 2014

DIY...Painted Striped Curtains

Let me start by saying...this was one of the hardest, biggest pain in the ass DIY projects I have ever taken on!  I don't know who in their right mind would call painting stripes on fabric an easy DIY project but if there is someone out there telling everyone that printing stripes is easy, I'm here to say otherwise!

It may have been my OCD that caused this project to be a bigger pain in the ass then for others that have taken it on.  
Once I had measured off and taped the lines I was finally ready for paint!

After painting, waiting for it to dry

Once the painters tape was removed

Here are a couple shots of the final product hanging in the nook.  Keep in mind the lighting is doing weird things to the aqua color and making the paint look isn't if you look at them in person.

All in all I am glad that I created them but boy were they a pain.   I know I saved myself quite a chunk of change because purchasing something similar wouldn't have allowed me to get an exact match on the color and it would have been very difficult to find curtains of the blackout variety.

Thanks so much for stopping by!