
April 4, 2014

TGIF plus a Nesting To Do List Update

Thank goodness it's Friday!  I have been busy at work this week finishing up projects around the house so I thought it would be a good idea to share a update to my nesting/to do list that I shared shortly after finding out we were expecting- everything crossed off has been completed and everything in grey has been added to the list!

- Finish filling out Sawyer's baby book
- Get completely up to date on Sawyer's scrapbook
- Stain wood beams above built in's in our living room (once our brother in law created the doors to cover our hole the stain of the wood above it was off by just a bit plus it looked dried out so we needed to give it a couple of coats to freshen it up)
-Stain the stairs way up to the man cave (originally there was carpet but it was pulled out and left bare once we moved it and we haven't gotten around to staining it yet)
- Create shelves in garage that are suspended from the ceiling so that seasonal items and decor can be moved up off of the floor
- Paint all trim and door frames throughout whole house
- Paint new baby's room (once we find out what it is I will start looking for the perfect color(s)
- Paint our bedroom and bathroom (these two rooms open up to each other and are only divided by our double sided fireplace)
- Move our printer from the office downstairs to the office upstairs
- Purchase furniture for baby's room (crib and bookcases and bookshelves)
- Create custom pillows and pillowcases in coordinating fabrics that match with the room
- Customize old crystal chandelier so that it becomes a mobile
- Create curtains for the nursery
- Renew Grout in the kid's bathroom
-Renew Grout in our Master bathroom

There are obviously other items that I want to get completed prior to her arrival but these are the big ones that immediately come to find!

I can't lie, it feels pretty good having a lot of the items on this list, both new and old completed!

On another note I have been in search of the perfect dresses that I can wear to my mom's 60th birthday party as well as my upcoming baby shower.  I am loving this beautiful WAYF dress for my mom's party and would love to pair it with these adorable sandals that NEED to be in my closet!  I may have to pull the trigger on them before I see them on sale because I don't want them to sell out in my size.
I am also looking for a dress for my upcoming baby shower. I want something that shows off my bump and doesn't tent it or cover it in any way so I'm thinking something like this dress from Victoria Secret, plus it's on sale!

Have you recently crossed anything off of your to do list?  Anything on your must have list this spring?

Thanks so much for stopping by!