
April 11, 2014


Seriously...thank goodness it's Friday!  Tice has been working a ton this leaving before the sun rises and then not returning until 12:30 AM some times so that has meant a whole lot of entertaining a 21 month old on my own.  I'm glad Daddy will be home more this weekend!  Here are a couple of the pictures I was able to capture of him this week:
Playing on his new early Easter Gift- he LOVES it!

Helping with yardwork

We mixed up a batch of funfetti cookies

Enjoying the warmer temps in our backyard

Hanging out in daddy's hiking boots

Finally taking a moment to sit down and relax

On Saturday we are going to be participating in our old high school's knowledge bowl competition as a team formed with members form my husband's rotary club.  It should be extremely interesting to say the least- I'm sure these kids will give us a run for our money!  Then on Saturday night, Tice and I are going out to dinner and then to the symphony.  I can't wait to get all dressed up and have a night on the town with my love!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!