
May 3, 2014

27 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Dress: Forever 21 | Earrings: Tory Burch

How far along: 27 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: Yes...although I like wearing my normal maxi dresses because I hate the side rouching on typical maternity dresses with the temperatures heating up
Stretch marks: No new ones
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Doing ok but I have had some weird/bad dreams lately that I would kindly like to stop!
Best moment this week: Getting to eat dinner outside last night for the first time this year!  I am loving the warmer weather-plus did I mention we eat BBQ...loved it!
Miss anything: An ice cold this point I wouldn't even be picky!
Movement: Yes although I don't think she comes any where close to moving as much or as powerfully as Sawyer did
Cravings: Well BBQ last night was good but nothing that I have just had to have lately
Queasy or sick:  Feeling good
Looking forward to: Our trip to Denver.  I can't wait to go shopping, see friends we haven't seen in a while, my cousin, take in a Rockies Game in Tice's company's suite, and take Sawyer to the Children's museum.

Thanks so much for stopping by!