
May 19, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

This weekend we hosted my cousins who were in town.  They offered to babysit on Friday night so Tice and I enjoyed a date night out to one of our favorite restaurants.  Saturday I hosted dinner at our house and cooked this dish for dinner and made cheesecake for dessert!  I will be back later this week with the recipe I created!

A little entertainment courtesy of Sawyer before heading off to bed!
Sawyer and Morgan...and his fake smile
Mixing up the cheesecake
Playing at the park
Enjoying his water table for the first time this year!

On another note I finally scored some shoes I had been lusting over for as long as I can remember!  I received a sales alert from ShopStyle on these beauties at Shopbop so I jumped on them!  I know that I will wear them ALL the time and it will be helpful to have another neutral flat on hand so that I don't wear a hole through my other favorite pair of flats, which you can find here.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by!