
May 22, 2014

Recent Purchases, Transitioning from a Crib to a Big Boy Bed & Sawyer's Big Brother Present

When I received a sales alert on a pair of Tory Burch flats that I had been lusting over for more than a year I knew I had to finally pull the trigger but the icing on the cake came today when I saw them featured on the Nordstrom Half Yearly sale for $30 less.  I immediately called Shopbop and asked for a price adjustment which they gave me!  I couldn't have been happier that I scored them for 33% off!  I also decided to pick up a couple of items I had been eyeing for a while during the Nordstrom Half Yearly sale including these neutral sandals that I hope are comfy and this bright  pink dress that is a back up option for my baby shower dress.

On another note I have been doing quite a bit of research lately regarding two things for Sawyer, one being his transition into a big boy bed and two what item/items to get for him for his big brother present.

The first was something that I kept going back and forth on when to actually pull the trigger and transition him. Sawyer has never climbed out and seemed to be sleeping comfortably in his crib.  My mom kept telling me that I shouldn't mess up or rush the good thing we have going and to just leave him alone and buy another crib mattress.  However I knew that the day I ran out and purchased another crib mattress was the day that Sawyer was going to climb out of his bed for the first time therefore forcing me to transition him to a big boy bed the next day and leaving me with two crib mattresses.

I decided that we are going to transition him into his bed boy bed this weekend.  It is a full size mattress and will be the mattress that we plan on having him use for many years to come.  My question though is if any of you have any tips for a smooth transition.  Do you do anything that seemed to work like a charm when it came to having them stay in their beds once they had been placed there?  Did you lock them in their room from the outside or use those plastic door handle covers to prevent them from leaving their room?  Any tips, stories, or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Our second bit of excitement regarding Sawyer was deciding on the gift that baby girl was going to give him once she arrived.  I plan on having a gift bag filled with the following items:

A brand new set of blue scrubs that say "Big Brother" on them
I picked these up from Amazon and I want him to wear them to the hospital the first day he meets her.

Photos courtesy of Amazon

I also picked up this book:
It received great reviews and should be fun for my mom to read to him before he comes to the hospital and then after we all are home to reaffirm that he is her big brother.

And finally I wanted him to have something that every time he looked at it, he was reminded of his sister and that she gave it to him so we gave him this:

It fits in with the them of his room and he doesn't have anything like it already.

What did you give your oldest child when your new arrival came?

Thanks so much for stopping by!