
June 25, 2014

34 Weeks with Baby #2

Photo care of Courtney Jacobs Photography

Outfit Details:
Dress: Old Navy | Earrings: Tory Burch | Shoes: Sam Edelman

Sorry for the late post!  I let my girlfriend borrow my camera on Sunday but was planning on doing one of my regular update photos but decided that because we went ahead and got family/maternity/Sawyer's 2nd birthday photos taken on Saturday morning and our sweet photographer shared them with me early I thought I would just use one of them for my belly picture this week!

How far along: 34 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: I think I have wore two different pairs of maternity shorts all week...they are easy to pull on and match with a bunch of different tops so I don't see these not being a wardrobe staple till the very end... 
Stretch marks: No new ones...that I know of...
Belly button in or out: Out...sadly :( however I think it could be even worse then what I have going on so I will consider myself lucky
Sleep: Nothing great...I would rather be sleep deprived with a newborn than waking up every hour on the hour to turn because my hips are killing me and I need to rotate or I have to go to the bathroom AGAIN!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Tice's birthday and having Sawyer's birthday party!  Plus it was nice to visit the hospital where we will be delivering.
Miss anything: Not having morning sickness!  I never had it with Sawyer but had it pretty bad this time around in the third trimester and now it's back again and has been since Monday.  It's awful!
Movement: Yes- she is running out of room!
Cravings:  A Which Wich Oreo shake!  I actually sent Tice out specifically for one last night which is the first time with either pregnancy that I have ever sent him out to fulfill a craving for me!
Queasy or sick:  I feel like crap...PERIOD
Looking forward to: Her arrival!  I am DONE being pregnant!  I made it further into my pregnancy before saying that this time then I did last time.  Last time I remember walking into the doctor's office at 32 weeks and said I was done and I although I can't totally remember all of the symptoms I had last time, I have a feeling I am worse off this time.

Thanks so much for stopping by and listening to me bitch!!!  Can you tell I am ready for her arrival?!