
June 29, 2014

35 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Top: Target | Shorts: Old Navy | Shoes: Forever 21 (old, similar here)

How far along: 35 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: Yes but the items in the picture above are not actual maternity clothes...go figure I can still fit in them
Stretch marks: No new ones...that I know of...
Belly button in or out: Out...sadly :( however I think it could be even worse then what I have going on so I will consider myself lucky
Sleep: Yes but I have had a head cold for the last couple of days so breathing has been a bit more difficult and therefore its been hard from time to time.
Best moment this week: We joined our local country club and Sawyer is in love with the pool and water so it has been so awesome watching his excitement for the pool and swimming!
Miss anything: Lemondrop martinis- Tice and I talked about how that is going to be my first drink for sure once I start drinking again.
Movement: Yes- she is running out of room!
Cravings: Anything cold- it's been in the high 90s so its been hot and they have helped to cool me down!
Queasy or sick:  My head cold can officially go now...being sick while pregnant is NOT cool!
Looking forward to: Her arrival...I really, really, really hope that she is early like Sawyer was but at least we have the pool and afternoons there to keep us busy until she arrives!

PS my hair was in a braid in the picture above which is why I look like I don't have any hair!

Thanks so much for stopping by!