
June 19, 2014

Hospital/Newborn Photography Ideas

Prior to giving birth to Sawyer I had all these wonderful ideas in my head of all of the beautiful photos we would be able to capture while at the hospital.  Fast forward through 52 hours of labor and for good reason it was amazing we got any pictures at all.  This time I really want it to be different so I thought that if we have a sort of checklist, filled with images I would like to copy, and bring it to the hospital in my bag we have a better chance of getting the images I want.  

After finding tons of images on Pinterest and pinning them all to my Photography board (all sources found here), I narrowed it down and created this document that I plan on printing out and bringing with us to the hospital.  

Now tell me, were you able to capture the photos you hoped for while at the hospital or were you in the same boat as me...the few you got were a blur?

Thanks so much for stopping by!