
July 29, 2014

Mommy Fail #101

Well I had my first mommy fail as the mother of two children yesterday.  Kinley had her 10 day check up, which I thought was scheduled for 11:10 AM.  Tice had an important meeting, my mom and mother in law were both busy so I was going to have to take both Sawyer and Kinley to the doctor's office.  After getting all of us showered, dressed, and feed I loaded us up into the car 20 minutes before the appointment, started the car, opened the garage door and then my phone rang.  It was the doctor's office letting me know that I had missed my appointment.  I said "what are you talking about I have an appointment at 11:10 AM today?!"  She then told me that no, I in fact had an appointment at 10:10 AM that day.  I told her that isn't what I had written down and that when the office called to remind me that they had not mentioned the time in the message that they left.  She then went on to tell me that it was a no show and that it would be noted in her file and if we get three in the next year they will forward our file to the office manager for review, after which they may determine that we will need to seek services somewhere else...needless to say she SHAMED me...which is the last thing I needed as a new mom.  This lady obviously has never had a 10 day old and a toddler, while trying to make it out the door on time.  

Needless to say our appointment was rescheduled for Thursday.  She also shamed me while she was getting that scheduled- letting me know that the appointment was extremely important so she needed to get us in as soon as possible.  

Only positive regarding this appointment being rescheduled is that Tice will be able to come with on Thursday.  

PS- I looked at my planner while I was on the phone with the lady and noticed that I had written down 10:10 AM for the time of the appointment.  I still have no idea why I thought the appointment was at 11:10.

PPS- Our new appointment is scheduled for 11:10 AM on Thursday which I tripled checked with her!

Thanks so much for stopping by!