
July 2, 2014

Sawyer's Big Brother Basket

Although it seems like Sawyer is slowing starting to grasp the idea that he is going to be getting a little sister in the near future, that doesn't mean that he isn't going to get the surprise of his life when he meets her for the first time and we bring her home.  So that's why I decided to put together a little basket filled with three different "big brother" items that he will get the morning that she arrives, before he comes to meet her for the first time at the hospital.  I plan on having my mom and dad drive home the point that when baby girl arrived she brought with her these special items just for Sawyer.

The first item in his basket is this book

The second is this stuffed animal

And then finally because I am a sucker for photo ops I got him these adorable "big brother" scrubs

I can't wait for him to show up at the hospital and take pictures with his little sister wearing them!

What items did you give your older child when your newest addition arrived, if any?

Thanks so much for stopping by!