
July 11, 2014


This week was one of those week where you don't know or remember what day it really is...I thought Wednesday was Tuesday and then for some reason after finally remembering what day it was I then felt like the week just dragged on.  So thank goodness it's finally Friday...we are that much closer to meeting our little girl and I couldn't be more excited, nervous, or impatient regarding the whole matter.  

On Wednesday we had our weekly OB appointment and he mentioned that I was measuring small so next week we are scheduled for an ultrasound to check things out and make sure everything is looking alright.  We told me not to worry because it's his job to worry but I think that even if you aren't really a worrier before becoming a mother you become one the second you find out you are pregnant, which means I am going to be worried about baby girl until we get to check on her next Tuesday during our next appointment.  

This weekend we don't have any real plans other then wasting time away at the pool like we have for much of this week already and Tice fitting in as much golf as I let him.  I also hope to find the time for a pedicure because quite time like that may be hard to come by in a couple of weeks.  I'll let you start your weekend with a couple of pictures of Sawyer soaking up the sun and enjoying life this week!

Hope you all have a fab weekend!  Thanks so much for stopping by!