
August 4, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

Friday night we went to the club for some swimming before dinner.  Sawyer is really starting to love the water more and more and can monkey climb along the edge of the pool by holding on to the side and then inching his hands along until he gets to a ladder where he can then climb out.  He is also great at kicking across the length of the pool when he has a couple of noodles under his armpits.   Kinley hung out in the stroller and was loving life.  By the way, Tice saw this headband, which I had left off of her because it is still a bit to big, and put it on her as we were leaving the house.  So cute that daddy is already trying to accessorize her!

Saturday I took some alone time and decided to run to the mall for some shopping.  Our Gap (which is actually a Gap outlet) was running a promotion where everything already marked down on clearance was an additional 50% off.  I grabbed a swimsuit for Kinley for our upcoming trip to Hawaii and a jean jacket (very similar to this one) for Sawyer.  While I was out I picked up a couple of things for myself including these heels in nude for a wedding we are attending next weekend because they were also marked down.  Finally I grabbed a cute hot pink boyfriend sweater from Gap from myself which I scored for $3.50, similar to this one and this one from J. Crew (on sale!).  

Saturday night some friends came over for some appetizers, a game of cornhole, and beers.  I made a s'mores buffet and they were a hit!

On Sunday, Tice went golfing and I headed over to my parents for breakfast and some much needed coffee.  After hanging out there all morning we headed home to eat lunch before all of us took a nap.  After dinner we decided to makes s'mores for the first time on our fire pit with Sawyer.  He loved it! All in all a wonderful weekend.  

Tice is officially heading back to work on a full time basis tomorrow which is honestly funny to even write down because he has gone into the office just about every day since Kinley was born and many have been for a full 8 hours already but I guess we need to get back on a schedule sometime.  I hope that I will continue to get both of the kids to nap at the same time each afternoon because it's my saving grace!

How was your weekend?

Thanks so much for stopping by!