
August 11, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

My cousin came in late on Friday night to stay with us which meant staying up late with this little lady waiting for her to come into town.
Tice ran to grab some items for breakfast and while he was there picked up these beauties for me!  I just love him.
Then my cousin and I ran to get coffee and the grocery store before having our Grandma over for lunch, Tice went golfing in the afternoon and us girls hung out until it was time for Tice and I to get ready to go to a wedding reception for some friends who had recently gotten married in Africa.  The reception was held in the groom's parent's backyard.  The weather was great and it was Kinley's first wedding reception...she did great and her and I headed home around 10 PM.
Pregaming with a mojito before the wedding with fresh mint from our garden
Sawyer styling some new sweet shades I got for him last week. (Shop them here)
Sawyer and his sweet little friend at the reception
Vicky and I at the reception
Kinley enjoying her first wedding reception

Sunday we got up and goofed around until it was time for Tice to head off with some friends to float the river.  The rest of us headed to the pool to soak up some sun before my cousin headed back to Denver.

 Then after nap time Sawyer and I made french bread pizza.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Happy Monday!  We are getting Kinley's newborn pictures taken tomorrow at our house which I am beyond excited about!

Thanks so much for reading!