
September 17, 2014

How I Spent My...Two Weeks In Portland- Part Two

Here are more pictures from our trip to Portland!

Entertaining himself with playing cards and the phonebook in our VRBO
Ready for her first Duck game

Heading into the stadium
Taking it all in
Our view- 4th row

Passed out from a day filled with to much fun and no nap!
Family photo at the game!  Can't believe they both made it through the entire game!
Tried out this cold brew coffee and it was amazing!
The "Reggie" at Pine State Biscuits!  My favorite breakfast item of all time!
Having so much fun at our friends house during a playdate

These two were born one day apart!
Our view during our last dinner in Portland
My guys!
Beautiful sunset over the Columbia
My little road warrior.  We made it home in one day!  16 hours after leaving...

Thanks so much for stopping by!