
September 26, 2014


Well another week has bit the dust and I don't feel like I have a whole lot to show for to do list seems endless!  I did take Kinley in for her 2 month check up and they said she is doing wonderfully.  She is in the 70 percentile for weight and 60 percentile for height.  She got her vaccinations and ended up taking them like a champ.  She was her old self, no more sleeping then normal and not very fussy.  We didn't even have to give her Tylenol for the bit of a fever she had.  
All dressed up and ready to head to the doctor's
Being a happy girl waiting for the doctor to come in
Not so sure about this all of a sudden!

Sawyer has also been keeping busy this week by helping support one of his favorite teams...
And helping mow the backyard...
So I guess we did end up getting more crossed off of my to do list this week then I initially thought!

In an effort to cross even more off of my to do list I am working on sending out Kinley's birth announcements, which I designed myself, so that will be nice to have those crossed off of my list.  We are also working on getting our kitchen updated a bit more so I measured and marked holes yesterday afternoon on our kitchen cabinets because this weekend Tice is drilling holes and installing cabinet knobs for a portion of the cabinets.  I am hoping that they make the dramatic difference that I am looking for. 

We also plan on spending some quality family time together at home because it seems as though we have been and will be on the move until the new year!

Hope you all have productive weekends or lazy one's spent sitting on the couch watching football!  I will leave you with some pictures of my little loves!

Thanks so much for stopping by!