
October 13, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

We headed up to Telluride on Friday morning so Tice could conduct some meetings, we could take in the beautiful fall scenery and eat some delicious food!  Honestly the drive up from Grand Junction was beyond gorgeous...some of the pictures I took over the weekend looked fake because they were so perfect!  

Loving her first gondola ride
Loving the sights from the gondola
The view from our room
Enjoying a little walk around Mountain Village

The view from our room on the morning we woke up there
A view of Mountain Village
Enjoying the gondola
Our ride of the gondola to Allred's- our favorite spot in town
Enjoying the outdoor hot tub and the scenery 
Just chilling in one of her cutest little sweaters
Kinley's first gondola ride

Once we got back from our little vaca we helped my parents with some things and then organized our garage on Sunday.  All in all a great weekend that I wish we could recreate more often.

Thanks so much for stopping by- I hope you have a wonderful week!