
October 27, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

As I mentioned in my post on Friday we headed over to Denver on Friday to spend the weekend.  My parents drove over separately and picked up my brother from the airport who is in town from NYC for the next week.  We went over to my aunt and uncle's on Friday night to have dinner with all of my dad's siblings.  They said that it was the first time in almost 10 years that all 4 of them had been together.  After dinner we checked into our hotel and called it a night.  We really lucked out and Kinley practically slept through the night, not waking up until 5:30 AM after being put to bed at 8:30 PM!  Sawyer also slept great on the pull out and didn't wake up when Kinley woke up in the morning. 
Uncle Zach meeting Kinley for the first time

She wasn't so sure about him!

 Saturday my mom, brother, the kids, and I went to the mall for me to return the dress that I had order in two different sizes to use as my birthday dress.  Both were to small which made me way bummed.    While we were looking for a replacement I did try this beautiful top on from H&M but didn't end up buying it which I am not regretting!  

I now have to look on to see if I can order anything else and have it get here before my birthday party on Saturday night!  I am liking this one, this one, this onethis one, and this one.  Which one is your favorite?  Saturday night I attended my dear friend Leah's bridal shower.  Her and I went out for a pre-shower cocktail.  I ordered a tarragon lemonade martini-  it was super yummy!  
After the shower (which was Hawaiian themed because that is where the wedding will be in a few short weeks!  I am so excited to go!) some of us went out for drinks on Pearl Street in Boulder at the Bitter Bar.  I had a Silver Coin or their take on a margarita and had them add agave nectar.  It was delish!  

Sunday we went to brunch with my family before heading home.  We broke up the ride for the kids by stopping half way at an awesome BBQ restaurant in Eagle.  All in all I'm glad we are home safe and sound and I can start preparing for all of the upcoming birthday festivities for me this week!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by!