
October 23, 2014

Kinley's Three Month Update

Weight: If I had to guess she is right around 14 pounds.  Here next appointment isn't for a couple more weeks though.

Health:  She has been a healthy little girl so far and received all of her necessary vaccinations at her last check up and didn't even need Tylenol afterwards- not more fussy then normal and no fever that needed to be managed!  We have also started physical therapy for her to help fix her torticollis, which is that her neck muscles were super tight on one side of her neck causing her to favorite it which was then causing her head to be come a bit flattened on one side.  After just three session the problem is pretty much non existent.

Sleep:  She is my sweet little angel that sleeps so well!  I honestly couldn't ask for a better sleeper.  She pretty much sleeps through the night now waking up around 5:00 AM most days after heading to bed around 8 PM.  I typically nurse her and then she goes back to sleep until 9 AM.  Then she takes a quick cat nap for about 30 minutes to 45 minutes after eating her first meal of the day and then takes another nap around 11:30 to 12:30, sleeps until 2 ish and feeds again, plays, and then takes a nap from 3 to 5 or 6 and then is up until bedtime.  She is the best sleeper I could have ever asked for or imagined!

Social:  She is beyond smiley these days and loves it when you smile big at her or touch the tip of her nose with your finger tip.   She seems to be close to giggling which will be so much fun to hear!

Diet: She is still exclusively breast feed which is awesome and something I am both thankful for and happy about.

Clothes: She is now wearing 3-6 month clothes only because she is to big for all of her 0-3 month things.

Baby Gear:  She loves going for rides in her stroller and sitting on the counter top watching me cook in her bouncer.

Crying:  I've said this before but she RARELY cries and it the best little baby.  She only cries when she is super tired or when she is hungry- just like her mommy!  People often remark "it's like she isn't even here" because she is so go with the flow and relaxed!

Likes:  Like all of the things and items I talked about in the baby gear section as well as being held.  She also loves to have 

Postpartum:  I am looking forward to my gym membership to be reinstated next week so that I can finally get back into the gym and get some motivation for getting back to "normal" or closer to where I was right before our wedding.  My only real concern is having my milk supply go down because of my working out which is what happened last time with Sawyer.  If any of you have any tips for helping your body recover after workouts so that is less likely to happen please let me know! 

Milestones:  Getting her vaccinations as well as traveling to Telluride for her first time!  She is such a good little traveler.

Thanks so much for stopping by!