
October 31, 2014


Well today is Halloween and tomorrow is my 30th birthday party so to say we are going to have an awesome weekend and that I am excited for it would be an understatement!!!  I have already gotten a jump on my birthday celebrations by going out to dinner with my brother who was in town from Manhattan, my parents, and Tice on Wednesday night.  We went to one of my favorite restaurants in town and it was so much fun to have a night away from the kids and have a relaxing dinner rather then a night filled with worrying if kids would be well behaved in the restaurant!  

I'm am looking forward to taking Sawyer trick or treating tonight- we have been practicing and I have been hoping that he ends up wearing his costume like he should the whole time!  I can't wait to share sneak peaks of the kids and their costumes later today on Instagram.  

As I mentioned above my birthday party is on Saturday night and I finally have my options narrowed down to four black dresses that I already had in my closet.  Some I have never actually worn before so it should be fun to actually have some options and then decide the day of which dress I actually wear.  Here are some of the options that I have to choose from that night, something similar to this dress but longer, this dress,  this dress, and this dress.  Which one is your favorite?

Well cheers to the weekend- I can't wait!

Thanks so much for stopping by!